John Boehner Needs to Go ~ Here is How You Can Make it Happen![](
You can do RIGHT NOW that will not take much of your time, but that can effect some much needed change in Washington, as soon as JANUARY 2013.
Send a letter or contact your representative to tell him or her you want them to ABSTAIN from voting for John Boehner's renewal as Speaker of the House.
You may not know how they vote until January, but it's worth a shot. You should keep a copy of what you sent, and follow up on how they voted. There are 233 House Republicans next Congress, and assuming no Democrats would vote for Boehner as Speaker, all he would need is for 16 conservative Republicans to abstain from voting and he wouldn’t regain the Speakership.
These are the four fiscal conservatives (House Tea Party members) who were purged from at least two Committees this week:
Rep. Tim Huelskamp (KS) - House Budget Committee (96% FreedomWorks Lifetime Rating)
Rep. Justin Amash (MI) – House Budget Committee (100% FreedomWorks Lifetime Rating)
Rep. David Schweikert (AZ) – House Financial Services (96% FreedomWorks Lifetime Rating)
Rep. Walter Jones (NC) – Walter Jones of North Carolina House Financial Services Committee
ONLY 16 members are needed to abstain from supporting Speaker BOEHNER in January
The legislators are dedicated to lower taxes, limited government and constitutional principles. The
American Majority Action (AMA) is launching a #FireBoehner campaign. If 16 members of the Republican Party abstain from voting for Boehner as speaker in January, he will be one vote shy of the 218 necessary to confirm his speakership.
The following is the list of House Members Behind the Purge this week.
American Majority Action (AMA) is launching a #FireBoehner campaign. If 16 members of the Republican Party abstain from voting for Boehner as speaker in January, he will be one vote shy of the 218 necessary to confirm his speakership.
The following is the list of House Members Behind the Purge this week.
John Boehner Speaker
Eric Cantor Republican Leader
Paul Ryan Chairman Budget Committee
Kevin McCarthy Republican Whip
Peter Roskam Chief Deputy Whip
Cathy McMorris-Rodgers Republican Conference Chair
James Lankford Policy Chair
Lynn Jenkins Conference Vice-Chair
Virginia Foxx Conference Secretary
Greg Walden NRCC Chairman
Tom Cole NRCC Chairman (former)
Hal Rogers Chairman Appropriations Committee
Fred Upton Chairman Energy & Commerce Committee
Jeb Hensarling Chairman Financial Services
Pete Sessions Rules Committee
Dave Camp Chairman Ways & Means Committee
Lamar Smith Texas Representative
Doc Hastings Region I Representative
Tom Latham Region II Representative
John Shimkus Region III Representative
Mike Rogers Region IV Representative
Bill Shuster Region V Representative
Pat Tiberi Region VI Representative
Steve Scalise Region VII Representative
Lynn Westmoreland Region VIII Representative
Bob Goodlatte Region IX Representative
Ken Calvert Region X Representative
Jeff Miller Region XI Representative
Cynthia Lummis Small State Representative
Joe Heck 112th Class Representative
Richard Hudson 113th Class Representative
John Boehner's speakership has been abysmal. He has done nothing but slam the Tea Party behind closed doors. It is obvious John Boehner is afraid of Obama's shadow, yet continues to disrespect the constituents he is supposed to represent. He betrays us on a daily basis, and is corrupt enough to act against us for personal gains.
Anti-Conservatives like John Boehner do not deserve to be in the position he has been entrusted with. He is an irresponsible steward of that trust and a liability to the Republican Party.
It's time for him to go. If we stop John Boehner, it will be a small, but important victory for us.
Now let's get busy!! Here is the letter you can send along with the list of Representatives to Contact.
DateName of Representative
Address (
Dear Congressman/Congresswoman (last name),
I respectfully ask that John Boehner be removed from his position as Speaker of the House by abstaining from a vote that it to take place for his renewal in January.
His removal of Representatives Amash, Huelskamp, Jones and Schweikert from the Budget and Financial services committees is reprehensible. It is the latest of many examples of his disdain for Conservatives and in this case, four who are aginst his willingness to capitulate on tax increases.
We need a Speaker who will stand up to a president who is pushing a destructive socialist agenda.
Boehner's actions this week and his weak leadership since 2010 is jeopardizing our national security.
As a citizen of the United States of America, I am deeply troubled by direction our country is
I strongly disapprove of Mr. Boehner's actions urge you to abstain from voting for his renewal.
Thank you.
For direct information from AMA:
UPDATE Monday, 12/10.
Conservative group American Majority Action (AMA) will endorse three conservative Republicans to replace current House GOP leadership including Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Cantor and Whip Kevin McCarthy: Republican Reps. Jeb Hensarling of Texas, Jim Jordan of Ohio and Tom Price of Georgia. AMA has been pushing the #FireBoehner hashtag on Twitter and encouraging people to stand up against the Speaker for abandoning conservatism.
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