Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Blog post # 15   GRASS ROOTS MEETS KAREN HARRINGTON IN A UNIQUE ON-LINE INTERVIEW!!                                          
I love to try new things, and this was no exception!  It was a big deal, too!  Just to give a little background, this event was originally scheduled for July 14th as you can see on Blog Post #14.
Since this IS "the follow-up", I have to let you know what happened. 

As you may know, I created the Facebook group GOPAYL, acronym for GOP are you listening? For several months I had been toying with the idea of having grassroots meet GOP! Why not?! Well, TEAM Harrington is wonderful! They happen to do facebook outreach and accepted my invitation do an on-line interview with Karen Harrington. She is challenging Debbie Wasserman Schultz for Congress Florida District 23. 

We met as planned on July 14th, but because of a scheduling conflict, the interview had to be canceled.  I didn't think it would be rescheduled as promised; after all we are a small event compared to other field events.  I was disappointed, but Karen had been so gracious to accept the i nvitation in the first place that I thought, why should I expect more?!! 

But Karen did keep her promise and everything her TEAM had said about the schedule snag was true. without giving too much away, it turns out that four members of the campaign must coordinate events in sucha a way that if even one is not on the same page as the rest, snags can develop. All I can say is ~ How cool is that?!! 

The event started promptly at eight.  There were 25 people in attendance.  We had one hour to get all our questions in so you will note some questions were left unanswered. Topics covered were Karen's background, her position on taxes, ObamaCare and Israel.  This is what was said. 

HOST:   "Welcome Karen Harrington!!! It is so awesome to see you here. I will start as soon as you are ready."


  ~  We began with an opening prayer as we always do. ~


This event tonight is part of an on-going series called 'The Power of One Voice' presented by GOPAYL, acronym for GOP are you listening? We highlight writers, bloggers, journalists or personalities in the Conservative Movement who are making a difference. Tonight's featured guest is Karen Harrington, Conservative Republican. She is running for Congress to unseat Democrat Congresswoman and DNC Chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, in Florida District 23.  Karen Harrington is already making a difference.   She is one voice, one person, with one message:  F.I.R.E. Debbie!!

I met Karen for the first time at the opening of her new campaign office in Davie Florida on June 26th 2012. During her presentation that morning I learned she, a virtual unknown, had lost to Debbie Wasserman Schultz, by only 20 percentage points (60-40) in 2010. She expressed much optimism and confidence for 2012. Why? Because, Karen explained, people are fed up with Obama and are not willing to give the party a second chance.

Karen has lived in Florida for almost 45 years and owns three sports-bar cafes called "Ricky's Restaurants" with her family. She has helped run them for thirty years. Now she is running a very successful campaign full-time. Although she enjoys the support of her husband, two sons and a fourteen-year-old daughter, this is a sacrifice for the entire family and they are just as dedicated as she is. Karen is approachable and pleasant to chat with, but make not mistake, she is a savvy business person and takes her job seriously. She’s got Debbie scrambling and shaking in her boots already!! Debbie will soon have nowhere to run!

What is not to love?!

Welcome, Karen! Did I miss anything? "

KAREN HARRINGTON  "Lol no I think you got it all. Thanks for having me on tonight."

HOST  "To start, could you please tell us what we need to know in just a few words. What is your message? How do YOU plan to do to bring reform both locally in South Florida and to DC?"

KAREN HARRINGTON  "As a small business owner I understand the impact government regulations and economic uncertainty cause job creators. What we need in D.C. are representatives who will speak their mind and be courageous enough to tackle the difficult issues."

HOST    "We can begin then with OUR FIRST TOPIC.. TAXES..

Being the owner of three restaurants, please share briefly with us your unique view on how regulations under President Obama have affected small business."

KAREN HARRINGTON "Obamacare is a great example of how government can be a burden on small business. Insurance premiums have almost doubled and although I pay half of the premium many of my employees have decided to go without insurance rather than pay the increase. It is not fair to my employees or any employees to have to give up their insurance because of government."

HOST   "I heard you had to implement some software programs for your business that were costly and unneeded, like so many regulations are under President Obama."

KAREN HARRINGTON   "Yes, because of the Frank Dodd bill I had extra expenses to my business to deal with a problem that I have never had."

GUEST 1   "One of the first things that must be repealed...Frank/Dodd. What are some of the ramifications of delaying the regulations as a small business owner...do you go charged fees and such for not inacting Obamacare?"

KAREN HARRINGTON  "If I do not comply with Frank Dodd I get heavy fines imposed on my business."

HOST  "Our second question under TAXES:  This should be a media headline:

'Karen Harrington Calls On Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz to Release Her Tax Returns'.  But it’s not!

What is the deal with Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her tax returns?? Has she disclosed them yet, lOl?"

KAREN HARRINGTON  "She has still not disclosed them. Although she continues to ask Mitt Romney to release more of his past tax returns. It is liberal hypocrisy at its finest. A lot of conservative media has picked up on our call for Debbie to release her taxes but the liberal media has completely run cover for her."

GUEST 1:   "Karen, are you willing to release and/or have you already?"
HOST  "Our third question under Taxes:  Debbie's interpretation of the individual mandate: 'it's not a tax but a penalty.'

Laughable, but that is what you have to deal with! In an article, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz: 'It’s Not A Tax', (link:  Wolf Blitzer of CNN discusses with DWS the implications of the IRS, an organization who’s existence is rooted in the collection of taxes, and collecting tax from the individual mandate along with other taxes. He asked, 'The individual mandate tax is, in fact a tax. It is administered by the IRS. It will be collected on April 15th.Why can’t you acknowledge that it is, in fact, a tax?'

             Debbie’s reply: Debbie's reply was: 'Because it’s a penalty, it’s not a tax. It is a
             penalty that if you decide to be irresponsible and continue to refuse to carry health
             insurance then you can do that. We’re not going to actually require that you have
             health insurance. What we’re saying is that if you choose not to carry health
             insurance, than you will be assessed a penalty that will be assessed on your tax
             return, and that affects about 1% of Americans who choose to do that.'

Like I said, ha!!, but this is what you have to deal with! Karen, Where do YOU stand on this issue (the individual mandate)?? Is it a Tax or a 'Penalty'?"

KAREN HARRINGTON  "It is a tax and it is unconstitutional. I never thought I would see a day in America where the government would demand that you buy a product or else be penalized. Debbie’s response is typical Washington speak, remember what the definition of 'is' is. It is a blatant insult to the American people to try to spin it after they argued before the court that it is a tax."


You have been quoted saying this about Just Roberts’ ruling on OBAMACARE:

        'The U.S. Supreme Courts ruling on ObamaCare is nothing more than an

        outrageous misstep by the court that ignores the constitutional parameters that 
        were initially put in place to keep the federal government in check. 

        As Americans we must help elect conservative minded individuals to the U.S.
        Congress this fall, that will help in the future effort of defunding and repealing
        this unconstitutional healthcare law that will further damage our ailing economy'.
        - Karen Harrington

On July 15th, a bipartisan majority in the House voted to repeal ObamaCare - a law that is driving up health care costs and hurting job growth. There is genuine angst and anger about the ruling last month but things pass and people forget. Politicians don’t forget that we forget and before you know it, we have new regulations. WE need to follow up on our public servants holding office (that is what GOPayl will hopefully do for many years to come. Are they posturing? We DON’T trust anyone!!)

RNC Chair Priebus has never planned on just repealing it, even though they say full Repeal to raise funds and Rubio is already talking about replacing it. It’s a big mess!

Mark Levin had said it could be attached to a reconciliation bill which would require ONLY 51 senators and not 60, and so we need to win back the Senate." Where do you stand on this?"
KAREN HARRINGTON  "I believe in repealing but I also want to replace. We ended up at this point because we failed to deal with these issues. We need to create pools for those, like myself, with pre existing conditions. We need to allow portability of policies from state to state or from job to job. We also need to permit health insurance companies to sell across state lines to allow the free market to help us solve the issue of cost."

HOST  "Does anyone has any questions?"
GUEST 2  "Karen Harrington, Many republican candidates that were elected to congress in 2010, have their seats thanks to the Tea Party, but now they've forgotten who brought them to the dance. What are your thoughts on why this happened?"
KAREN HARRINGTON "There is something in the water in D.C. lol"

GUEST 1   "Yes, it is time to "drain the jacuzzi!"

GUEST 2   "Well, maybe you should bring your own water. LOL"


Saturday was the start of the Olympic Games.. There was no moment of silence for the victims. What are your thoughts on that? We have a link here showing the Palestinians were thankful this happened.(link: Palestinian Delegation Thanks Olympic Committee for Denying Moment of Silence to Honor Murdered Israel)"

KAREN HARRINGTON:  "It is blatant liberal political correctness. I cant a imagine a reason not to have a moment of silence. Once again the world turns its back on our great ally Israel."

GUEST 3  "I am in Arizona and I am just curious where you stand on illegal immigration, WE sometimes wonder here in Arizona if anyone hears our pleas to close the borders.  I don't sleep well and cannot wait till the borders are sealed. The drain on the economy nationwide for medical and entitlements is staggering."

KAREN HARRINGTON  "I am opposed to any form of amnesty. We need to get our borders under control, implement an e-verify system and start a temporary worker program that they can apply for in their home countries."

HOST  "That seems to be the popular thing these days to pander to Hispanics.  It is a security issue though!"

GUEST 3:  "How long has this debate been going on for? when is someone going to stop this invasion? Even Mexico's southern border is better than ours?  WE couldn't do what Mexico is doing to OUR country in Reverse with out getting imprisoned or shot."

HOST   "Second question on ISRAEL.. DEBBIE is a DRAMA queen - and a dumb one at that!!! She is nothing but a HYPOCRITE! It seems she begged Obama to be DNC Chair apparently promising Jewish support in return but has been nothing but a headache to the Jewish community. She recently got dis-invited from an appearance at a North Miami Beach Synagogue because she didn't want anyone challenging her comments. (She just can’t stay out of trouble!!) Can you give us any details we may not know about or anything else you may want to share .. Mr. Tate who happens to be a supporter of yours was at the center of the protest.  He left the temple causing the synagogue to cancel her speech last month."

KAREN HARRINGTON  "Well, I know exactly what you know. The synagogue was going to allow Debbie speak on the U.S.-Israeli relationship but we all know this would have turned into a pep rally for Obama. Mr. Tate wanted an opportunity to present his views after Debbie spoke but was denied. Well we all know what happened after that."

HOST  "This is my last comment. This is a wonderful presentation and one more example why your kind of leadership is needed!  http://www.youtube.com/
Karen, you have the primary coming up August 14th. GOOD LUCK!! A lot of people wish you well. YOu are a stand-up person and a wonderful example for others to follow."

KAREN HARRINGTON:   "Thank you all very much for your time, your questions and your support.  Please help spread the word about our campaign."  Guests express their thanks..

GUEST 1    "Thank you for your time and effort."
GUEST 2    "God bless Karen Harrington, and help her beat the socks off DWS!"
GUEST 3     "Good luck. I will pray for you! Be
STRONG! Truth Prevails!"
GUEST 4     "Thank you Karen. Good luck and God Bless."

HOST  That concludes this meeting. Good night everyone!"


As you can see, Karen Harrington is a class act and the real deal!  Not only that, she is clearly a great business person: we finished on time! :) Can you imagine if things were done this way in Washington??  If she continues doing what she is doing, she will defeat Debbie Wasserman Schultz hands down and by a huge margin!  There is no comparision, but she still needs support in every way as the left has a way of targeting individuals such as herself.  We wish her much luck!

Finally, I have to say I am glad I am actively involved in my local politics. I know I will help Karen out any way I can because I feel she deserves to win! It is my wish that this will inspire one of you to do what you can for a candidate you feel deserves your support. It may not be glamorous or convenient, but we have a country to save and you never know who might endorse your choice! 

Thank you for reading. And thanks to all who participated! Posting will continue until August 14th and hopefully beyond that date. For more information, or to visit the event directly, just click on this link.   https://www.facebook.com/#!/events/443687228994878/

And to show your support, go to Karen's Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/

Friday, July 13, 2012


                                                       Live On-Line Interview 

                                          July 17th at 8:00 p.m.

"The Power of One Voice" Series via GOPAYL presents Karen Harrington for Congress. Karen will discuss Taxes, ObamaCare, and Israel.  Please show your support so she can tell

                     DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: 

                                  "You're Fired!!" 

Debbie is NOT ONLY a Florida Congresswoman, she is the Democratic National Committee Chairperson so anyone from any state can attend. This is an opportunity for you to have your voice heard and to help Karen get the word out.  DEBBIE h.a.s. t.o. g.o.!!! 
For more information, simply go to this link:


Thanks!   Have a great day.

Isabel Matos

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 10th 2012.

Here's something that caught my eye the other day.  It was fun to read and watch as people poked fun at the much-deserved idiots spreading these ridiculous rumors!  No, the Palin haters are not just from the "other side", as you will see, check it out: http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmarkamerica.com%2F2012%2F07%2F08%2Fpalin-haters-not-exclusive-to-left%2F&h=DAQFoMHW8AQHATY3j9YnWxPabTPigm-jMJeHncWUpGegiuQ

This is the excerpt that stood out for me:  "Their basic theory? Sarah Palin is trying to undermine Mitt Romney in 2012 so she can run in 2016, and she’s being aided in that venture by none other than Rupert Murdoch."

Even though I laughed at it, the GOP and Romney camps really have spread rumors about Sarah Palin in the past, and any kind of nonsense, as crazy and false as it is, is not far from the truth these days. The Romney camp would have a field day should any of it, even minimally so, be true! Our Palin-hating GOP would be snickering about certain supporters making fools of themselves this way.

Why do  it then?  Why give the slightest hint of upstaging a Romney nomination at the convention, why feed their narrative that she is trying to steal his chances of winning in 2016? Even if it is a joke.  Any disorderly or inappropriate conduct, no matter how small, would give comfort to our GOP elite. Let's show what a well-organized, unified citizenry we are.  Now THAT would blow their minds!

If Romney supporters are really as obnoxious and immature as I have heard, why hang out with them at all?  Call me restricted, but this will only keep us from focusing on our task -  to energize the base which is needing to feel charged right now!  We must take a mature stance, show them who is really better and lead by example. Our conduct as Palinistas must be above reproach, not just okay.

That is just one more reason for me to emphasize that in no uncertain terms am I currently involved with any Delegate Harrassment effort. It has taken an ugly turn. Someone has to say something soon!  I know I have tried to, and probably failed.  But we cannot ignore the problem.  It is not going away. 

I know it may not seem like it, but Mitt Romney IS the GOP nominee and some in Palin camp are still in denial about it. Yes. Even after all that has been shared in the way of information via this blog (#7) and Mrs. Palin's own assertions, namely that she will vote for ABO, as recently as last month, there are people out there who are staging a disruption on the GOP Convention floor in August. jThis has  not been approved or encouraged as far as I know.  I am sharing this for your information:

Asking delegates to consider Sarah Palin as a Presidential nominee is an exercise of freedom of speech, but none are of the opinion that they are being disruptive at all. No one I know has any intention to hurt Sarah Palin's cause, but no doubt it will hurt her for some of the reasons just stated above.  What started as a nice gesture of support for Mrs. Palin's run for a Presidency has become a misguided one at best.  There is a small yet aggressive, coercive group of individuals who think they are on a mission from God to save this country.  Again, its just a few.  Try standing up to them with a different opinion and see! Like I said, it was a good effort, great even, I participated  in it actively, but they are basing their activity on poor information and just plain defiance!  At no point now is there any reason to believe she wants to run or be drafted in 2012.  NOne. But they insist, yes! See for yourself how weak the argument is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4kIF0A0HyU.

Sometimes the best intentions people have lead to the worst outcomes.  There are really good people there who are in denial and think this is helping Mrs. Palin. It is not! Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should!  I was planning to attend the convention in Tampa but because of unsettling security reports, I will abstain from any such activity for now.

To anyone who still thinks she is running let me just say with all my heart: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0x-fkSYDtUY&sns=fb

Monday, July 9, 2012

BLOG POST # 12: I AM A TEA PARTY CONSERVATIVE and not a Republican!

I am getting the funny impression these days that I am turning into a monstrous character.  A transformation is definitely taking place, but I am still the same person I was 10 months ago.  My skin feels like it is thickening, I feel the hair on my chest growing(okay its not true!!) and bumps are starting to pop up everwhere.  No, I'm not the hulk!  I'm turning into a POLITICA!  It is starting to show, and I would like some of my softness back, so I apologize ahead of time to anyone who was caught in my cross-hairs this week!  A lot is at stake and I'm just trying to do the best I can to move the conversation forward.

It seems like the news we get is either bad or worse each day. Just when things seemed to be going our way a couple of weeks ago (Obama was having a really bad couple of weeks himself)  something like the SCOTUS ruling happened and we were reminded that Progressivism is everywhere, not just in politics. It IS a pernicious presence in our lives. Our fight as Conservatives is never really over. Lesson learned. Then there's the craziness of all the different opinions out there reaching fever pitch sometimes.  Being conservative not only means having a sacred opinion, but taking issue with the finer points of an argument. As fun as it is to spar, it can get old.  Definitely it is difficult to disengage from a good back-and-forth, but I'm growing a bit weary of sweating over the small stuff. It's a constant challenge to avoid a confrontation. Nerves are on edge, I know, but  I just want to come together at some point!  This is such an exciting time for "our" movement.  We are beginning to merge, collaborate and develop a shared vision. 

Palin house in particular still feels like it's on fire.  We are in a disarray even after all these months.  IT is hot and uncomfortable but there is still a way out!  These are just observations, as I have said before, I am not a journalist. The problem I see is voter apathy and withdrawal since first choice Palin is not running. I get that Romney doesn't excite the base, but here are three reasons why each one us can still be super enthusiastic about 2012:

      If Romney wins in 2012, the GOP cannot claim victory just by itself.  We know they 
      have done NOTHING to make us a part of the process. Just look at what they did
      with Walker in Wisconsin.  If that is any indication of how things will roll, we would
      be smart to clearly define ourselves now before they do later! We all know without
      the TEA PARTY he would not have won but they took all the credit. Check out my
      reply to an article by Gary Jackson on June 11th, 2012.  I stand by my comment.
2. WE can agree that OBAMA CANNOT HAVE A SECOND CHANCE!! This is crucial!

    The GOP IS a Liberal Republican Progressive machine, no doubt. But Romney is

    NOT a communist, murderous thug. Like Mark Levin, I'd rather deal with what he
    calls a "Moderate Republican" than Obama. Maybe we can all find common ground
    in this as so many of us like and admire Mark! 

3.   ROMNEY IS THE GOP NOMINEE, not the TEA PARTY nominee, we can proudly

      say. Unlike 2008, we are not disenfranchised. We belong this year to a movement
      greater than ourselves and enter that voting booth proudly as the RINOS that we
      are, Republicans in name only, because we are really TEA PARTY
      CONSERVATIVES - a powerful voting block. No, I will not feel alone this year. I
      will feel just like millions who don't like our Party but want to defeat OBAMA!   We
      ARE an enthused and energized base. We have grown in influence, and are
      growing power. I'm not putting a smiley face on something that has seemed so
      bleak up to now, but it IS worth noting that we MUST own our share of the victory
      this year by standing our ground. They will blame us if we're not careful. The GOP
      no longer speaks for any of us. We reached out to them and they had their chance
      to reply. We must make a distinction clear so that if and when ROmney misses the
      mark as President, we can say it was because of his Liberal Republican Progressive
      agenda and not ours. This will leave the door open to 2016 for a well-deserved and
      much needed Conservative victory. I will enter the voting booth probably holding my
      nose for Romney uttering to myself you can have the Presidency in 2012, but I'm
      not here for you. I'm here for my country as the patriot that I am, in spite of You! 
      NO, I will not Rah-Rah for Romney, but I will cheerfully be there to press NOBAMA
      and I will overwhelm my voting card or computer screen with nothing but fresh,
      vigorous Conservative Party choices.  What is there not to fee great about?  I'm
      psyched like I have have never been!The Palin movement (not the fixation on her
      being President 2012) is a VOICE! It is a cohesive, headless force with a great 
      collective message. In spite of minor divisive fractures in our daily exchanges, we
      all feel and want the same thing in the end. As TEA PARTY Conservatives I know 
      we will turn out the vote because we care about this country!  They are not making
      this easy for us, but we will have to ignore the provocations, innuendos and jabs on
      the part of the elite and the crazies on their side to muster as much good will as
There is no love lost between me and the GOP. There is no live lost between Romney and Sarah. There is no love lost between those who even leaned one way or another in this primary before Romney was nominated, but deep inside, not too far, we will find it within ourselves to remember each and every person who has been at this fight for months even years.  I will do this for my friends who are patriots, not just supporters of a candidate. I am a proud TEA PARTY patriot!

I admire and respect my friends' efforts every day. I could not do this alone.  We feed off each others courage, and learn from nuggets of wisdom and great research.  Not only that, I have enjoyed getting involved in local politics!   It helps to chase away the worries.   I JUST LOVE THIS MOVEMENT!

This is how we are going to prevail in 2012. 

I am, faithfully PALIN,


Sunday, July 8, 2012

BLOG POST #11:     THE TRUTH (is sometimes Inconvenient!)

This is a follow-up on blog nine.  The truth is haunting me these days! Here are three reasons why.

First, I had a very trying week, starting with Monday. There is no need to get into the details, but I had the unpleasant experience of breaking bad news to good people.  I followed my instincts and spoke from my heart to protect them. Although I am at peace with what I did, it hurt. Sometimes  telling the truth is inconvenient.  I hope to feel triumphant eventually, but only time will tell if I was successful or not.

Second, I would like to dedicate this particular blog to someone whose example I have grown to admire.  She is a courageous truth-teller who has been able to face her adversaries with pose and dignity. Calm and steady is the voice of reason and truth. It is the anchor that keeps you focused, confident and undeterred. 

I do not want to make this person uncomfortable but I always express myself from the heart and couldn't help but feel grateful that there are people in this world who are just plain good. Why?  Because they lead by example when it isn't always exciting, popular or fun.  I'm not a bible-toting Christian.  I was raised in a Catholic school and reading the Bible and it was not the custom then as much as it is now.  The Holy Spirit works in ways that are mysterious, though, and with perfect timing. This week was no exception.  In the stillness following the storm from Monday, I found a clip that confirmed to me that despite how I felt (discouraged and in doubt that I had gone too far too soon), it was the right thing to do and I found comfort in this clip which I had never seen before: http://www.youtube.com/embed/O7qMxn6esHg

The very next day, July 4th, I see this on Ms. Ross's wall "As we look ahead to America's celebration of independence, what is it you need to be freed from? This can be your personal season of freedom. "He whom the Son shall make free is free indeed." It struck a chord so I wrote on my wall: "Today is America's 236th birthday. It will be a day of celebration or just quiet reflection on what it is that makes us really free. A good friend and courageous truth teller asked on her wall what we need to be freed from. In my personal life I will look to free myself from feeling responsible for other people's mistakes. I will focus on my own instead and turn to the Lord who will help me correct them, for He is my Freedom from all." Wow! I love the Palin movement and what I call the power of one voice!~

The following day, I revisited a speech Sarah made recently at an Americans for Prosperity event paying tribute to Andrew Breitbart. Sarah Palin has always been a beacon of hope not just because of her words, but because of her deeds.  She has always lead by example.  She offers insight with her steady confident words: "Courage inspires Courage and Victory begets Victory.  Tell the Truth."  Wow! I know her message never gets old, but this time her words spoke to me personally big time! This was all I needed to reconfirm that I was on the right path.  Even though there were many exceptional moments in that speech, what she said carried more weight and inspiration than usual. And people still question why she is loved so much?  Sarah is a relentless truth teller who is accepting the consequences of her ways every day of her life.  Here is the clip, see 34:10 where she highlights Andrew Breitbart's fearlessness.. and continues to speak of courage we need to live with.

Thanks to heroines who have fallen on the sword for speaking the truth, we have examples to follow. I felt a part of me died on Monday, but the good news is that there is rebirth and growth in transformation. We owe it to each other to set examples of courage and truth so we draw strength from one another.  Although we are not responsible for each other's actions, we can lead by example.

MY MOTIVATION IS THE TRUTH, come what may. I just  have to improve how not to be afraid..

I will conclude with a short prayer.  "Thank you, Lord, for setting us free by showing us The Way." 

      ~ Thank you, Adrienne and Sarah, for being such a responsible stewards of the Truth.  ~