Monday, October 22, 2012

Mitt Romney needed a game changer in the first debate, and he got it; Obama needed a game changer tonight, and he didn't get it.  
                                                                The Libya Moment

Libya was supposed to be discussed more tonight and some, including myself, did not enjoy watching Romney miss a good opportunity to expose Obama.  Laura Ingraham seemed to agree.  Here's what you didn't see anywhere.. On October 16th, 2012 Laura Ingraham tweeted a message to JEB BUSH following the missed opportunity to really take the Libya issue head on. This hesitation on Romney's part showed weakness and she seized upon it.  This is what she wrote:

Kickoff to 2016? @JebBush "Mr pres. if u said the murders in Libya were an act of terror why did u let ur team say otherwise for 2 weeks?

The other scandal, of course, was Mrs. Obama starting an applause, on cue, right after Candy Crowley was asking him about the term terror attack.  This went unreported.  Thanks to the new media we have a detailed report of what happened.

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