Citizens United Productions, founded by David N. Bossie, organized a formidable event this week. Five films were screened in three days: "Ronald Reagan: Rendez-Vous with Destiny", "the HOpe and the Change" by Stephen Bannon, "Our Sacred Honor" with Rick Santorum, "Occupy Unmasked" by Stephen K. Bannon, and "the Gift of Life". All were exceptional!
by Stephen K. Bannon![](
If you're not enthusiastic about Mitt Romney, or if you are, and still want to show your patriotism one more way this year, please show your support for this film by passing this link along: it is the official movie trailer of "the HOpe and the CHANGE".
If we allow them, the media will continue to spread lies and propaganda. They will never tell the story of how Obama has failed this country and betrayed his supporters. They will never show how he has left so many Americans who proudly voted for him completely disenchanted and struggling financially. They will never report how divisive a president he has been. And they will never portray him as the uncaring, disconnected promise-breaker that he is, one who spends more money and time playing golf or being on vacation than any other President in history. Never
This film is a wonderful compilation of forty unscripted interviews, most of them Democrats, who have become disillusioned or unconvinced that Obama has done all he could to bring the hope and the change he campaigned on. There are so many moments in the film where you just want to cheer them on for getting it! Pat Caddell, a well-known Democratic strategist, worked alongside Mr. Bannon in the realization of this film and was there to present it. This alone tells you how convincing the documentary is, and one which actually represents real hope for true change!
Bravo to Stephen Bannon for making a film that appeals to everyone in the political spectrum! He is not only a great filmmaker, but a wonderful patriot and activist who represents well and advances our cause by being the cool conservative that he is. This is put together in true Breitbartian form, taking the fight directly into enemy territory, but not in a confrontational way. I cannot recommend it enough, especially if you have liberal friends you can share it with! After seeing this movie, I know you will feel more optimistic about winning in November, and like me, you will have a story of your
own to share by the end as well. I know I am motivated to promote it wherever and whenever I can.
I had the chance to meet Mr. Bannon in person. What a delight it is to witness how comfortable he is around people. He puts on NO airs, is approachable, and just seems like someone you would love to work or have a chat with. We-the-People are on the winning side of the argument already, but it always takes a good messenger to get the point across in a respectable way. He does. Victory Film Group and Citizens United are keeping the fight going. It is no small task to change people's minds sometimes, but this film is so convincing, you will see it is not impossible. All we have to do is our small part in helping to get the word out. Time is of the essence.
Mr. Bannon is a man of few words. This is my clip of his presentation ""></param><embed src="
This is my picture with Stephen Bannon.
Thanks, Stephen! Your film was wonderful as expected.
Hannity's hour-long interview on the HOPE and the CHANGE will be televised again this Friday and Saturday at 10 pm. Please pass the information along to get the message out!! If you don't like Mitt Romney, this is a good way to show you want Obama out without cheering for the nominee.
Related Links (updated 9/2/2012):
1) If you missed Hannity's show, you may view it here:
2) How Stephen Bannon is shaping alternative media:
3) How you can show your support: "liking" the following pages or contributing to Citizens United:!/CitizensUnitedDC!/victoryfilmgroup!/groups/120380360950/members/
with Rick Santorum
This is a wonderful documentary that the entire family can use as a reference and keep as a must-have in the DVD home collection. The film is narrated by Rick Santorum and covers the history and significance of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Federalist Papers and our Bill of Rights. It is a great tribute to those who have given their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor for this country.
Mark Levin, Michelle Malkin, and other authors including Jane Hamilton Cook, Larry Schweikart, Ken Kuklowski, and Emmet are among the many authors who discuss the contributions made by Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, father of the Constitution. Lieutenant Colonel West and Ed Meese also appear in the film. Mr West's words always carry weight and inspire us. The audience bursts into applause when the Bill of Rights was said to tell the government what NOT to do. You will also applaud in other parts of the film. Self-governance, the rights of the individual, the freedom of religion, separation of church and state, and public education are among the topics also covered by Scholars Dr. Allen Guelzo and Dr. Victor Davis Hansen. The message is to sacrifice all we can to preserve the precious documents which protect our freedoms!
Here is my clip of Rick Santorum presentating the moie. It was their first time viewing it. His family was all there with him.
Here's a picture of Rick Santorum and me.
Thanks, Rick! You made a wonderful contribution with this exceptional documentary.
You can check this out by purchasing the DVD.
with Newt Gingrich
Callista Gingrich
and David N. Bossie
Here is the official trailer:
This, as you can imagine, was rich! It was also very moving. Most politicians are considered great for their achievements by one party or another. Ronald Reagan is a beloved figure nationally not just because he changed the world, but because of his humanity and great spirit that inspire us to this day.
This film covers his rise in politics, the setbacks and challenges he faced as President, and his accomplishments in helping bring an end to the cold war. With disarming humor and optimism, he
changed the world forever. He lives in our hearts now more than ever and I cannot think of a better dvd or book to share this fall than this documentary. It is truly an inspirational piece at a time where we are thirsting for direction and true that his leadership exemplified.
Among others who were part of the film were former advisors Ed Meese, Doug Brinkley, Linda Chavez, Jim Baker, William Bennet, share their accounts and personal views of President Ronald Reagan. They also have segments with his former security staff, John Barreta, authors including Bill Kristol, and Lech Walesa. There are scenes with Margaret Thatcher meeting the Reagans at their home on a rainy day prior to an appearance at an important event, moving eulogies, and anecdotes by Michael Reagan on the funeral that drew thousands to pay their respects add to the wonderfully personalized narrative that makes this film special. YOu will feel proud and strengthen resolve to keep his legacy relevant.
This is my video clip of Mr. and Mrs. Gingrich's presentation:
Newt Gingrich, Callista Gingrich and me.
Thanks for a wonderful experience! It was a pleasure meeting you. I enjoyed the film immensely!
stephen k. bannon
This is a journalistic masterpiece!
To be released September 21st.
David Bossie, President of Citizens United, Andrew Breitbart and Stephen K. Bannon appeared just months ago at CPAC 2012 to announce their upcoming film, "Occupy Unmasked". This is a clip of their presentation which included the film's official trailer:
To share just the trailer use this link:
This film receives a standing ovation from me. I considered this movie to be the most appropriate way to finish the event. Andrew Breitbart's legacy IS this film, and he was there in spirit from beginning to end. You can't help but get a little bump in your throat when you see him on screen. It is the story of the Occupy Movement and how the lying liberal media covered it up. Three acts lead up to Obama in the end. It is nothing short of brilliant and consequential as we all know the impact Breitbart's work had in helping to create the new medium of citizen journalism. We must support this film and keep it relevant anywhere and everywhere we can, never forgetting to keep the legacy alive!
Sarah Palin is featured in the first 60 seconds. Others from the Conservative Movement who appear in the film include Alan Horowitz who narrates an extremely interesting segment in act II. He is founded the Freedom Center. Former video cameramen from the Blaze, former citizen filmmakers, and former FBI force terrorits unit each tell a story that puts the pieces of this mosaic together. News is news but a story is forever. The Black Panthers, SEIU and other nefarious sources are the villains, as ew well know today, it is no wonder they are so opposed to having the movie come out. I can understand how the truth would expose them.
Andrew Breitbart gave us so much in so little time. We must defend what he defended, the Truth! He stole my heart defending the good honor of the Tea Party movement. Here he is on November 16th, 201
In memorium Andrew Breitbart
Here is my video clip of Michele Bachmann's presentation:
This is Michele Bachmann and me.
Thank you for a great introduction to the film, Michele.
Q & A
Here are David Bossie, Pat Caddell and Stephen Bannon opening up the floor for questions:
There was an extremely interesting Q & A following the film. Protesters of the Occupy movement asked questions to cast members of the film. The protesters complained there was not enough positive coverage of what the event really was about in the movie, that the police were scaring them off, and that the message was not inclusive enough of libertarianism. Team Occupy responded by defending the police, by saying the media covered up the negativity and that this film highlighted their negligence, and by contrasting the behavior of one crowd (the Tea Party) toward negative behavior v. their crowd (OWS) in not reporting crimes or rapes when occuring. THAT was the difference! Alhough it got heated at moments, there was a general consensus that Andrew was watching over us that afternoon and that he would have been pleased with the exchange that took place.
Among those who appeared in the film were Anita Moncrief. Anita is incredible. In one exchange she reminded the protestors that their passion, "fight" and legitimate concerns were being exploited by the left. Like me, many of you might not know who she is. She is a former community organizer who blew the whistle on Acorn. She is courageous, articulate, and a hero in my book who deserves respect and admiraton. This exchange was nothing short of amazing - Citizens United producers earned the respect they got.
This is the clip where Anita Moncrief reminds the protester she is being used (1:37)
Anita Moncrief and me.
This is the video published days later
Please read BLOG POST #22 (Part I) if you haven't. Thanks for stopping by.